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Acupuncture can be traced back over 2,000 years, making it one of the oldest health care systems in the world. Today, acupuncture supports the treatment of a wide number of conditions.


Many people ask this question and the answer is no. Catherine uses a gentle acupuncture technique and high quality needles that allow for painless treatments. As acupuncture is stimulating the Qi of the body, it is normal to feel some sensations in the body, such as heaviness, tingling or warmth around the point, or a slight radiating along the meridian, followed by a feeling of relaxation.

How can I benefit from Acupuncture with Catherine?
Does Acupuncture hurt?


  • Holistic approach by addressing the underlying cause of the condition, as well as the symptoms. The approach links body, mind and emotions.

  • Drug-free pain relief 

  • Experience; Catherine is a highly qualified, experienced Chinese Medicine practitioner with years of knowledge and experience.

  • Relaxing; Catherine is gentle, professional and dedicated to providing her patients with a safe, relaxing and stress free environment.

  • Prevention against disease and the maintenance of general well-being

  • Value & Quality service; Catherine provides professional and quality treatments at affordable prices. Many health funds now provide rebates for Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine.

  • Caring; Catherine is very attentive & listens to your needs to helping you to achieve your  goals.


Herbal Medicine


Herbal Medicine incorporates a range of different herbs which are carefully formulated specifically for your presentation.

At Longevity Chinese Medicine we use only the highest quality herbal granules allowing you a safe and effective way to return to optimal health.

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